Saturday, April 17, 2010

A premature vote of thanks


We shall be doing something concrete for the kids in two days time. And after that it, a lot of thoughts will melt away. So I want to hold a premature vote of thanks.

Thanks are due to all those who were sensitive enough to contribute in their own way, even if it was providing colors for kids when not asked or driving here and there for unconnected purposes. Names are, in alphabetical order, Abhilasha, Amit Sir, Ankit, Anshu, Dilraj, Kapil, Karishma, Keshav, Manish, Mehreen, Nilmani, Rajni, and Vikesh. My apologies if I left out on any.

ps- some of our contributors may feel that there was no need for the post, that there was no need to 'glorify' them- does all this blogging business really matter? It does- not in the long run, but for that very moment, it does...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I always enjoyed to go with you guys, those children reminds me my primary school friends who were from same kind of background.
    Finally thanks for the great experience.
