Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Diary Entry

It is a better day today, honestly. But amma still seems worked up. Like yesterday, she did not have her breakfast. And Bittu is also very cranky today. I hope papa comes back from that building soon. It has been nearly a week since I saw papa, he seems to be working quite hard.

Today my drawing teacher told me to draw the mountains and the sun rising from behind. But these buildings are much more beautiful, aren't they? Have you ever gone all the way up to the top of that building where papa works? It's the best place on earth. My papa is a painter. He used to take me along with him when amma went laying bricks on the other side of the building. You can see the whole city from where my papa works. Everything seems so small from up there, even a bus is the size of my little finger! The wind there is free. Free from any obstruction, free from any sense of responsibility. I like being there. It makes me forget even hunger. I love being up there.

Besides, it's the place where papa works. And he has the best job in the world, atop the highest place. Chhotu teases me because we don't have a television set and they have one. He says that his father earns much more. But only I know how jealous he feels when he sees me on top of that building with papa. He looks so small from there, not more than the nail of my little finger. The world seems so small from there.

I wish papa finishes his work and comes back so that I can go up there with him. Chhotu was saying that he will never come back. But I don't believe him. He is just jealous. I asked amma though, she said nothing. But it doesn't matter. Everything will be alright when I go back again on top of that building.

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