Monday, April 11, 2011

The New Task

The semester started in January. The awful winters of the north welcomed the students back to the campus. By then, the MS09 and MS10 batch and the girls of MS08 batch had shifted to the Mohali campus. And we had a plan yet to be executed.

Come winters, and one of the first things such a society could do is to make available for the labour kids some warm clothes. And so did we. From November of last year, we had started planning out how and what we shall be doing. But before all that- hey! we needed the warm clothes!!!

We put a carton near the security check and started sending out emails to students and faculty requesting them to donate warm clothes for kids of age upto 15 years. To make our message more effective, we decided that someone should go to faculty, in person, tell them about what we were doing, and ask them for clothes. And you can very well guess who these lucky (read as poor...) guys had been who were given the job- the "new" recruits, Sharmi, Harshita and Pradeep!

You would have laughed your lungs out (as I did) if you heard their first-hand experience. Nevertheless, let me reproduce some for you. By the way, I shall be calling the trio Har-Shar-Par [though they will kill me for that ;) ] for short hand. As far as I remember, I was studying in the library when Harshita called me out for some "urgent" talk. I came out, when Sharmi joined- Abhilasha came by and then experiences and emotions of Har-Shar erupted. They had apparently started with none other than Prof. Ramesh Kapoor. They had then gone around to some other half-a-dozen faculties before going to Prof. Sanjay Mandal. Apparently, they spent a jolly half an hour with him. I believe they had gone to ask him for donations- so had they thought. But as it turned out, instead, the professor told them everything about chemistry, from atoms to ingredients of a toothpaste. Till date I don't know if Har-Shar could put their point across, but I am sure that their knowledge about apparently useless things doubled!

We tried to cool them down by telling them that this was a new experience- but really, these (the faculty!) were a bit too much for someone in their first semester. So, we asked them to take Pradeep with them.

Overall, the trio did a good job. If you disagree with me, then take a look at the donations that we received. It had clothes from size for a one year old all the way up to a fifty year old well-fed man! No doubt, people had donated rather open-heartedly. It was a rather amusing exercise to sort the clothes according to size- 'cause in the way, we found a packet of diapers and the kurtas and shirts of the faculty that they had worn just the day before! The final task of getting the clothes washed was taken up by Amit sir.

After all the preparations, we had to delay the job as most of the kids had gone home, and our end-sems were approaching. We postponed it to after December.

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