Sunday, February 20, 2011


All the plans we had made for 'the first official fun activity of YATN', seemed to sink when we realized about the occurrence of INTER IISER CHEM MEET!! We had thought of Paper Bag Making Activity for big kids, and a movie for the juniors. We had to either cancel up everything or change the plans due to the unavailability of space and equipments like projector. We picked up the second option.

Feb, 20 :Sunday : 2:00PM
Our Team had started to assemble outside the Hostel V, and within no time the Shuttlers picked the children from their homes, to our playground. The under-construction-road was leveled by a road roller. We started by dividing them according to their sizes. The Big Ones were taught Football, and the Little ones played tug of war or with a discus. I had encountered those kids like this for the first time, and they really are more energetic than any of us. We played with them, for almost an hour, and they wanted an extension of time, but unfortunately we couldn't give it. We were tired, at least i was. We decided to wrap up things, and escort them back to their homes. The Shuttlers did their job, and i came to the comp lab.

Meanwhile, i found a kid - Ravinder. He had used a tiny motor, a wire, a AA battery, and a tennis ball. He had plugged the motor into the tennis ball, and when motor rotated , the ball rotated with it. He told us that he got the inspiration from one his fellows, Hrihtik, who once had made a fan using the same apparatus. I had shot this footage, and probably i will upload it.

Well, innovation is everywhere. When we formulate it, we call it Science.



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